SFSFUM 2024 in Kalmar

Welcome to the SFS council meeting in 2024!

Kalmar was awarded the Student City of the Year 2023 award and will host the SFS plenipotentiary meeting (SFSFUM) on May 3-5, we welcome you already on Thursday, May 2 and start the meeting early on Friday morning. We plan for the meeting to end at 15 pm and you are advised to book travel from Kalmar at 16 pm on Sunday.

On this event page you will find information of a practical nature about the meeting, later it will be supplemented with documents and other information about, for example, election matters.


The SFS council, commonly referred to as SFSFUM, is the organization's highest decision-making body. It is at SFSFUM that member unions meet to discuss and decide on next year's political priorities and budget as well as governing documents. During the full council meeting, elected officials are appointed, including the board and election committee.