SFS council, henceforth SFFM, is the organization's highest decision - making body and is organized annually. This year, the meeting is arranged together with Gefle Student Union in this year's student city Gävle. The meeting begins on Friday morning and ends on Sunday afternoon. SFFM is a fantastic opportunity to meet others involved to exchange experiences, be inspired and strengthen the student movement in general. Together we reach the farthest!

Documents to SFFM gather here on SFS website and on the team platform TeamEngine.

Personal letters to board and bureau candidates

Due to technical problems, the personal letters for the candidates to the Board and the Bureau are only found on TeamEngine at the moment. 

Information about who the candidates are here

Links to bills:

Proposition 1: SFS Operations 18/19

Bill 2: SFS membership fee 2018-2019 and financial framework 2018-2019

Proposition 3: An open knowledge society beyond national borders

Bill 4: Statement on students' housing costs and finances

Proposition 1: SFS Business 18/19 - with line number!

 Proposition 2: SFS membership fee 2018-2019 and financial framework 2018-2019 - with line number!

Proposition 3: An open knowledge society beyond national borders - with line numbers!

Proposition 4: Statement on students' housing costs and finances - with line number!

Draft of the board's bills


Links to other documents and meeting documents:

Vthe nomination committee's nomination request

SFS annual report 1617 

Annual Report 2016/2017

Auditor's report 2016/2017

The Board's schedule for SFSFUM2018

FUM manual

Motion responses, responses to interpellations, reports, proposed rules of procedure and documents from the Nomination Committee

Exercise response:

Interpellation response:


Proposed rules of procedure:

Documents from the Nomination Committee:

Request for withdrawal:

Appendices to the annual report:

Agenda proposal:

Distribution of seats: