Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming

SFS believes that the teaching staff at the university should reflect the composition of society. Therefore, all higher education institutions should actively work against an obliquely recruited teaching staff by being norm-critical at each appointment in order to achieve diversity and counteract discriminatory structure. This will take place in parallel with long-term work with a focus on pedagogical merit. The academy has a tradition of not meriting pedagogical skills to the same extent as scientific skills. SFS believes that pedagogical skills should be seen as equivalent to scientific competence in teacher appointments. An outdated gender stereotypical view of teaching and administration becomes a trap for women that leads to reduced career opportunities. In order to prevent certain tasks from being gender-coded, the university's activities must be given the same status. Further on SFS's view of gender equality within the teaching staff is described in the section “From a homogeneous to a heterogeneous teaching staff” in SFS's position: An open and equal university for all. 

The academy has traditionally had an over-representation of white older men. Those who belong to that group have traditionally received larger research grants, among other things through proportionally large parts of so-called strategic research initiatives. SFS believes that research funding should be distributed so that it promotes the full breadth of the research staff in each field of science. In this way, more people from under-represented groups can be given the opportunity to pursue a career in the field of science and pursue research with a broader perspective. Then the business can also take advantage of a diversity of experiences that in the long run create better research and education.

If different types of experiences are valued by the academy, there are also more incentives for individuals who leave the academy for other working life to come back and contribute with new perspectives. SFS believes that applications for research funding should to a greater extent be prepared anonymously and with an external jury in order for the application to be assessed as neutral.

Gender mainstreaming was introduced as a working method in 1997, so that the gender equality perspective is permeated throughout the business. The university as a whole must be integrated with gender equality in order to become more open. Gender equality work does not only consist of gender equality and equal treatment plans or working groups with a promotion mission. Gender equality is a perspective that must permeate all decisions, from the choices the university makes to the decisions of the individual teacher about the structure of the teaching. For a university to reflect society, reflection is required on the consequences of different decisions for different groups. Only through awareness of gender equality can the learning process and research reflect different perspectives that lead to the development of the whole of society. Gender mainstreaming is an important piece of the puzzle for SFS to create a more equal and gender-equal university.